
Une photo ou deux

I'm feeling rather tired tonight, so here are some photos that I took this past weekend. Enjoy.

The French aren't shy about hanging their undies out for everyone to see.

The Saturday market. It seems to go for stalls and stalls without end. Ginormous eggplants. Succulent berries. Countless carrots. Yum, Yum, Yum.

Its strawberry season. They were all over the market.

Literally-- everywhere.

The meat counter at the outdoor market. Although I'm brave enough to tackle the vegetable and fruit vendors, I'm scared of the meat. "One apple" is much easier to say than "[whatever the conversion is for

The best crepes in town. Nothing is more wonderful than strolling down the Cours Mirabeau with a crepe a GoGo in hand. All the French give you envious looks, wishing they held the Nutella bliss that you do in their hands.

The crepes a gogo lady. She is always there, she never smiles, and her crepes always taste like heaven.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Strawberries, yum! And is there any way to ship a crepe to Oklahoma?